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How To Make A Crazy Cool Cotton Candy Freakshake

Those milkshakes that took the internet by storm aren't as hard to make as you'd think.

How to make a cotton candy freakshake

First, start off by laying out all of your ingredients. Since you are working with frozen products you will need to work fairly quickly. Scoop out one large scoop of ice cream and roll in a shallow dish filled with nerds until completely covered. Place in freezer.

Cotton Candy Freakshake Ingredients

Melt Candy Melts in separate bowls, then, place blue melted candies in a small piping bag.

Pipe small dots of blue around the rim of a tall glass placing a gumball on each dot. Don't worry if there are a few mess ups, it will soon be covered by other yummy goodies!

Cotton Candy Gumballs

Next, using the pink candy melts smooth melted candy on the top of the glass, pouring small amounts of sprinkles each time. Do this in small sections to avoid the candy drying. Then, with the leftover candy melts pipe drips on the inside of the glass. If you don't have ribbon candy now is the time to make it.

Cotton Candy Freakshake

Put milk, flavouring, ice cream, and cotton candy in a high powered blender. Blend until combined then pour into glass leaving a bit of empty space near the top and place in fridge. Unwrap all candies & lolipops.

Cotton Candy Milkshake

Take your milkshake out of the fridge and the ice cream scoop out of the freezer. Carefully place the ice cream scoop into the milkshake glass, because the milkshake is cooled the ice cream scoop will float. Now, stick in the candies into the glass in whatever order you wish. Be careful not to let the glass overflow!

Cotton Candy Freakshake

Don't forget the cotton candy! : )

Cotton Candy Freakshake

Congrats, you just made a super awesome freakshake! It wasn't too hard was it? And trust me, you'll want to share this with a friend...I'm a person who's life revolves around food and I still couldn't finish half of it. But, if you can finish it yourself I am genuinely impressed and strive to be as amazing as you are. I hope you enjoy it, I sure did!

Cotton Candy Freakshake

Cotton Candy Freakshake

The Shake:

1 Cup of 1% milk

5 Large scoops of vanilla ice cream

1 Cup of cotton candy

2 Drops of cotton candy flavouring oil

2 Tbsp of pink nerds

2 Tbsp of blue nerds

1 1/2 Tsp of purple nerds

The Glass:

1/4 Cup of blue Candy Melts

1/4 Cup of pink Candy Melts

1/2 Cup of blue & pink gumballs

3 Tbsps of Sweetapolita's bunny slippers medley


1/4 Cup of cotton candy

1 Large pink lollipop

1 Pink unicorn swirl pop

1 Blue unicorn swirl pop

1 Cotton candy sucker

1 Pink & blue ribbon candy*

*Note if you can't find the ribbon candy you can roll together 2 pink and blue taffy pieces and fold them on top of itself to create a ribbon like shape


1. Fill a shallow dish with nerds, then, scoop a large scoop of ice cream and roll it in the dish until completely covered with nerds. Place into freezer immediately.

2. Melt candy melts in separate bowls in thirty second intervals.. Pour blue into a small piping bag. Pipe small dots of blue around the rim of a tall glass placing a gumball on each.

3. Using an offset spatula spread pink candy melts onto the top half of the glass in sections. Pour sprinkles on each time.

4. Place the remaining melts into piping bags, use this to create drips down the inside of the glass.

5. Put milk, flavouring, ice cream, and cotton candy into a high powered blender until combined. Pour into glass and place in fridge. Unwrap candies.

6. Take milk shake out of the fridge and ice cream out of the freezer. Carefully drop ice cream scoop into cooled milkshake, then, put the candies on top.

7. Enjoy!

Lots of Love, LilMiss Sweets

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